Have you noticed how effortlessly some people create multimillion-dollar businesses? When you think about how to start a business, you realize that some entrepreneurs have a clearer sense of direction than others. These folks will tell you a huge myth: that what worked for them will work for you, without a shadow of a doubt. Follow their steps the “right” way to create a multimillion-dollar company with ease.
This myth implies that you can’t find your way to a highly profitable business path in a completely different way. But you should know there are two general directions you can take. One is not necessarily better than the other, and neither is right or wrong. All that really matters is how well you can create your business and find a natural path to a wealthy revenue stream.
Extreme No. 1: Go Broad, Get Volume
The first path is the broad approach, where you solve many problems in one specific area. When you consider how to start a business with broad focus, you typically couple that with a volume play. This can mean having multiple solutions and specialties that are all within one category. This is like a diner that serves all types of food, including breakfast, lunch and dinner, along with milkshakes and coffee and ice cream. With this approach, you will find that your solutions cater to a wide audience, so volume is no problem. You’ll get plenty of customers who all may be at your diner for a different desired menu item. There is something for everyone.
In order to get that volume of customers in your diner, you need to master quality control and messaging for all of your offerings, which can be a challenge. Usually, broad offering, high-volume providers struggle with doing any one thing really well. They have plenty of solutions, but all are mediocre at best. For instance, imagine you are a customer at this diner, and you want a fresh fruit smoothie to go along with your burger. You know they only serve pre-made smoothies that are far from fresh. As a customer, do you stay and eat here, opting for convenience of multiple options, or do you trek to a smoothie place across the street to get exactly what you want? If you want a smoothie badly enough, you will go give your money to a provider who gives you exactly what you want. When this happens, the diner tends to spend more on marketing to get new customers, since previous customers won’t come back for the underwhelming diner experience that doesn't quite meet their needs.
Extreme No. 2: Get Specific, Go Niche
Have you noticed webpages that have nothing for you to do but click a single button? Or maybe you've discovered a business that serves one thing and one thing only — no other options or variations. These providers are giving you one specific way to interact with them. And if you aren’t looking for that one specific thing, then they have nothing else to offer you.
These providers are taking a hyper-specific, hyper-niche approach. They have created one thing — and one thing only — to solve a very specific problem. This is like a smoothie shop that sells … well, smoothies. Want a hot, sizzling burger with your cool, refreshing smoothie? Too bad. You have to go somewhere else for that. Now the question is: do you visit two places to get a great smoothie and then a great burger, or do you settle for a mediocre smoothie from a diner that conveniently also sells burgers?
With a niche path, you can see that your offering is quite specific, so making sure that the quality and messaging of that offering is perfect can be rather easy to accomplish. Yet, there is still a hurdle: The more specific your solution, the more effort you need to put into finding and marketing to that specific audience. You may not have millions of people looking for your solution, so simply widening your net won’t necessarily yield more customers. Instead, you need to focus on how to start a business with highly specific avenues to reach the right buyers for your offering.
Which One Makes Sense For You?
One of these approaches may already appeal to you. Some believe that one is better than the other, but after my experience with hundreds of business plans, I’ve seen both paths lead to high profitability and success. Each path has benefits, and the only important thing is which path fits you in particular most naturally.
Success stories exist on both ends of the spectrum. If you Google “how to make a million dollars,” you’ll see folks who swear by broad versus niche in market entry. You probably won’t be great at both approaches — one will be more natural for you based on your skill set.
Remember, both will pose marketing challenges, just in different ways. If you already have a stellar solution that is the best quality out there, you may want to start with the niche approach: Focus on selling that one thing, and become well-known for that offer. However, if you have multiple sales opportunities within a category, then it’s OK to start broader and aim for a high-volume play. In fact, most businesses tend to start with one or the other and then morph toward the opposite over time. Niche providers often create additional solutions later, expanding their revenue streams. Meanwhile, broad providers tend to find they have a specific offering that does well within a niche and pivot to focus more on that one thing that sells really well.
Whatever you think fits you now, run with it. Trial and error will teach you more about which path is best for you. Drop the rules and myths about “right” and “wrong” when it comes to your business model and start taking action — then you’ll be on your way toward your own successful solution.
Read again How To Start A Business: Debunking The Million-Dollar Myth : https://ift.tt/2NHQtKQBagikan Berita Ini
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