In the past several years, research has shown that the increase of women in leadership is helping businesses to thrive in unprecedented ways. The data also suggest that, in many areas, employers and their industries have yet to return the favor.
According to experts, the longer we take to close employment gender gaps, the longer that trillions of dollars--and our country’s future workforce--will be left at stake, too.
For example, a study published by theUniversity of California, Davislast year revealed that big California companies with at least some women at the top performed considerably better than ones with mostly male boards and executives.
Conducted annually, the study surveys the 400 largest public companies headquartered in California regarding the gender diversity of their C-suites and boardrooms. As the project’s homepage explains, the goal is “to drive awareness among corporations, business leaders and policy makers to take meaningful action toward greater female representation.”
Among the 25 firms with the highest percentage of women execs and board members, researchers found that median returns on assets and equity in 2015 were at least 74% higher than among the overall group of companies surveyed [PDF].
Those ‘California 400’ include technology, healthcare, pharma, and consumer products leaders such as Apple, Intel, Google, Visa, and Oracle. Altogether, they represent close to $5 trillion in stock market value.
See also: Ex-Uber Engineer To Supreme Court: The Era Of Forced Arbitration Must End
As the UC Davis team discovered, the top 25 firms for women’s leadership also had 35.2% of their leadership roles filled by women, were led by female CEOs at a rate of 44%, and managed a median 4.4% return on assets and 12.2% return on equity. The California 400, meanwhile, employed women in 12.3% of leadership roles, were led by just 4.3% female CEOs--numbers that have “inched up” since the data collection began in 2007--and saw a median 1.9% return on assets and 7% on equity.
“We know that a more representative, diverse group of leaders can change decision-making and outcomes in companies,” commented Ann Huff Stevens, dean of the university’s Graduate Management School, on the project’s website. “California has been a leader in many areas, and these results point out the opportunity for California to take the lead in increasing women’s presence in corporate leadership.”
San Francisco-based Williams-Sonoma Inc., led by CEO Laura J. Alber, had the highest proportion of women in company leadership positions at 57.1%, which researchers noted was the record for this 11-year study. The popular home goods- and gifts-provider achieved a 13.3% return on assets and a 24.9% return on equity that year, according to the study.
A majority of the 400 companies surveyed still had no women among their highest-paid executives as of 2015, though the overall percentage of women in that group rose to 10.5% from 7.8% in 2007. According to the UC Davis study, companies with women CEOs have 38% more women leaders on average (CEO excluded) than companies with male CEOs.
Industry leaders meet to strategize on developing world markets and women's roles therein during the G8 Deauville Partnership: Women in Business Conference in London on June 26, 2013. (Credit: CC BY 2.0 courtesy the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office via Flickr)
Of course, neither stacked gender ratios nor the apparent effects are a Californiaphenomenon. According to a growing wave of research, the number of women in business leadership remains frustratingly low everywhere, likely costing companies around the country and world big; so, too, does a lack of women in business overall seem to put economies at a real disadvantage.
A2016 reportby Mercer found that among the 583 organizations it surveyed around the globe, women constitute just 35% of the average company’s workforce at the professional level or higher. Representing input from 3.2 million employees, including 1.3 million women, the report also found that women got fewer and further between up the ladder: they made up 33% of managers, 26% of senior managers, and only 20% of executives globally.
A report published last year by the McKinsey Global Institute also found that if every country could narrow its gender gap at the same historical rate as the fastest-improving nation in its regional peer group, the world could add $12 trillion to its annual gross domestic product by 2025. That’s some 11 percent higher than it would on our current track under optimal conditions.
Studies on how women-led businesses perform around the world have been reaching a positive consensus, too. In 2016, the Credit Suisse Research Institute issued its updated report on women leaders and company performance at partners around the world, the Credit Suisse 3000 [PDF]. According to the company, the results "[continue] demonstrate that the higher the percentage of women in top management, the greater the excess returns for shareholders."
See also: On Black Women's Equal Pay Day, We Remember That White Guys' Time Fetches 58 Percent More
The company continued, "Hard metrics of financial performance have also justified this superior stock market performance according to the data. From YE13-mid 16, the outperformance of companies with 25% [senior-level] women is a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 2.8%, 4.7% for 33% and 10.3% for those over 50% compared with a 1% annual decline for the MSCI ACWI over the same period."
In all, Credit Suisse concluded that the numbers reconfirm "the clear link that exists between diversity and business performance." According to its "proprietary analysis," the group also found that, among the 27,000 senior managers it mapped at over 3,000 largest companies, "only limited [structural or recruiting] progress had been made" since 2014.
A recentNordea studyput it in even stronger terms; after analyzing close to 11,000 publicly traded companies around the globe--over an eight-year period, the group concluded, “The results are clear: companies run by women performfar better than the market.”
Their results showed that companies with a female CEO or chairperson of the board of directors (that is, all 400 of them) had averaged a 25% annualized return since 2009--more than double the 11% that the MSCI World Index delivered.
“If you invested in a company with a woman at the helm, you would have outperformed the market,” commented Robert Næss, the portfolio manager at Nordea who designed the study, in a release. “Other studies have also shown that diversity is a positive factor, but not that many have also looked at CEOs or such a large number of companies.”
Stock (Credit: WOC in Tech Chat via Flickr)
If women bring a lot to the table for businesses, the question remains as to why and how employers aren't treating them in kind.
Data on the subject suggests that the deck is often stacked against women on the road to business success, whether they're working to realize their first big idea or secure the corner office. For example, studies have increasingly indicated that women don't receive near as much investment capital as their male counterparts, whether as small-business loans or startup funding.
A 2013 research round-up by theHarvard Business Review observed that a host of cultural issues may also be keeping women from duly advancing at the office. Among multiple studies it reviewed, researchers found that women were being given consistently fewer important assignments and responsibilities that can lead to promotion, despite the positive feedback they receive as a group. Generally, this also leaves women with lower financial assets to work with in the course of their jobs, and lower pay to take home.
Harvard noted that this discrepancy between men and women's workload and pay is particularly illustrated in the certain sectors. According to 2013 Bureau of Labor Statistics, for example, saleswomen earn only 62.5% in insurance, 64.3% in retail, and 66% in real estate of what their male counterparts earn. In a study of two large stock brokerages, Wharton professor Janice Madden also found that saleswomen earned less than salesmen "because they’d been systematically given inferior accounts that generated smaller commissions and then denied support staff, mentors, and other amenities that would have helped them perform better, suggesting that outright discrimination can be disguised as merit pay," Harvard summarized.
The Harvard review further noted that, despite certain impressions and folklore, women are not in fact leaving their careers to raise families--at least not on purpose. A study by Hunter College professor Pamela Stone found that, after an average career length of 11 years, 90% of the studied group of female high-achievers stepped away from their careers because of workplace problems and long hours, and not because of the children they mostly already had.
And it's fairly easy to understand why: many industries continue to place added burdens on employees with children, and especially women, rather than acknowledge their needs and value. In a study of hiring practices reviewed by Harvard, mothers were significantly less likely to be recommended for a job, and were offered $11,000 less in starting salary than childless women were on average. Raters also said they assumed mothers to be "inherently less competent and less committed," according to Harvard. Fathers, on the other hand, were not penalized at all in the process.
See also: The Trump Administration Just Axed $213M From Teen Pregnancy Prevention, All By Itself
When it comes to breaking workplace gender barriers, of course, simply acknowledging the fact that some A-list employers still don't provide daycare facilities, or that women perceived as "nice" are being paid less, won't put businesses on the fast-track to gender parity.
According to entrepreneur Deborah Streeter, however, as complex as this problem may be, working toward a solution can be simple.
Streeter, whose work currently includes teaching professional courses on women in leadership through eCornell's business program, explained by phone that there are three factors involved in tackling the business gender gap, and various techniques for addressing them.
"As it's becoming more obvious that the rate of growth for women at the top is just a trickle, everyone’s trying to figure out what to do about it," Streeter said, "and how to address the social, structural, and empowerment issues involved."
Speaking structurally, Streeter said that companies have to allow for care responsibilities in ways they traditionally haven't if the problem of few women in leadership is to be resolved. "Responsibilities for house and kids fall more heavily on women than men, and if work structurally precludes that care, we're always going to be having this struggle," Streeter said. "Most cultures have pathways to leadership that are traditionally shaped around men, involving travel, and with no room for care."
Women already account for half of science, law, and engineering degrees, Streeter said, meaning the flow of women workers is only compromised along the way. "We're fine at one end of the pipeline; we just have a leaky pipeline," Streeter noted.
See also: California Bill Tweaks Sexual Harassment Law To Account For Venture Capital
On the social front, Streeter said it's critical that workers of all genders start to acknowledge the gender biases that each one of us has developed, and to gain better control over our own assumptions. In her courses, she invites students to take advantage of the safe, professional setting for conversations about how to navigate office culture for success when many known or perceived women's traits can bring disadvantage.
"We need awareness in women and men about what is unconscious in gender bias, and which can often be sensationalized and politicized," Streeter said. "If you factor in race, different ability levels, sexual orientation, you add additional layers, but gender bias is always there. Research shows that both women and men have such biases, and these are attitudes we don't control." We can, however, reevaluate and challenge those assumptions, according to Streeter.
Challenging such assumptions and finding value and camaraderie in their female coworkers--as well as themselves--are also key steps toward embracing empowerment inside and out, according to Streeter. "For women, we have to find a space for understanding how we’re sometimes pitted against each other," Streeter said. "The whole idea that 'women can't work together' is a false narrative, and automatically hurts women who could collaborate and share in success." She added, "There aren't enough women at the top to prove that it doesn't create problems, but men fight all the time, anyway."
Streeter said she's been teaching her students to catch themselves when their actions or perceptions show bias by using an easy, three-step process: Detect, Inspect, Reject.
Whatever your gender, Streeter said, it's an incredibly useful exercise to always try to identify when you're making an assumption, to consider where it's coming from, and--if it doesn't hold up--to go ahead and throw it away. "For example, say you find yourself thinking that a female coworker is too bossy or cold--or that you wish she would 'soften' her behavior. If you see this in yourself, you can reject that notion, and ask yourself, 'If a male colleague acted like that, would I react in the same way?'"
See also: It's Official: Testing Rape Kits Prevents Assault And Saves Everybody Millions
In fact, Streeter encourages women to harness some of their arguably "female" professional and personal strengths to find a route upward in the office. "Women ascending through leadership is almost always a combination of personal style and the context they're in," she commented. "It's dangerous to take any generic strategy into work; especially in a masculinized environment versus a transformational environment, it could blow up in your face."
Streeter continued, "If you’re going to be at a top-level position, you also have to be comfortable with being ambitious, and saying, 'This is what I want.' It's also really important to understand how the pyramid power structure works in the environment you're in, and how to create a leadership or executive presence that's appropriate--what works at a tech company versus an elementary school will be very different."
According to research, thankfully, women show particular ability for cultivating self-awareness and environmental awareness in their daily lives--skills they've developed out of pressure and necessity, but which can nevertheless help them achieve success.
Streeter explained that such skills can be broken down into four different categories: the ability to be self-aware, the ability to modify one's behavior based on that awareness, the ability to be socially aware, and the ability to modify one's behavior based on that reading of the room. "If you look at the tools that women have for getting along, we’re conditioned to be socialized," Streeter said.
"Empathy is part of it, but the management aspect is crucial: how do your monitor and adjust your behavior because you do have empathy for the environment, and for the people that you work with?"
In the past, this skill set has sometimes been referred to as emotional intelligence, or EQ, likely to bring more acceptance to the idea and equate it with the seemingly innate, accepted quality of IQ; the label itself has been much debated, both across and separate from gender lines.
Nevertheless, and "whatever you want to call it," Streeter pointed out, the existence and effects of such skills are well demonstrated both at the office and in the world beyond. Because women are often expected to be socially gracious and nurturing, they can also face criticism if this kind of behavior isn't traditionally their cup of tea.
For these reasons, Streeter says we should view self-awareness and empathetic behavior as a matter of practice rather than innate ability or fact--and one we shouldn't hesitate to use in the world beyond work. "Even now, in the political realm, there's so much danger of alienation that even if we understand the motivation of a group, we often can't control our actions."
With increased awareness of ourselves, our coworkers, and the data that describes them, Streeter believes that closing the costly gender gap in business leadership doesn't have to take the century or so that's currently predicted.
With any luck, an increase of women in leadership may also help to supply web platforms and news wire databases with a more generous selection of image matches for "women in business" (say, more than a couple dozen) to compliment the current mass of snapshots featuring sex workers, frustrated laptop users, Ronald Reagan, and who-knows-what--a development that could save time and money for journalists of all genders, and give more than half the world's population a little more motivation to succeed.
Happy American Business Women's Day, everyone!
">In the past several years, research has shown that the increase of women in leadership is helping businesses to thrive in unprecedented ways. The data also suggest that, in many areas, employers and their industries have yet to return the favor.
According to experts, the longer we take to close employment gender gaps, the longer that trillions of dollars--and our country’s future workforce--will be left at stake, too.
For example, a study published by theUniversity of California, Davislast year revealed that big California companies with at least some women at the top performed considerably better than ones with mostly male boards and executives.
Conducted annually, the study surveys the 400 largest public companies headquartered in California regarding the gender diversity of their C-suites and boardrooms. As the project’s homepage explains, the goal is “to drive awareness among corporations, business leaders and policy makers to take meaningful action toward greater female representation.”
Among the 25 firms with the highest percentage of women execs and board members, researchers found that median returns on assets and equity in 2015 were at least 74% higher than among the overall group of companies surveyed [PDF].
Those ‘California 400’ include technology, healthcare, pharma, and consumer products leaders such as Apple, Intel, Google, Visa, and Oracle. Altogether, they represent close to $5 trillion in stock market value.
See also: Ex-Uber Engineer To Supreme Court: The Era Of Forced Arbitration Must End
As the UC Davis team discovered, the top 25 firms for women’s leadership also had 35.2% of their leadership roles filled by women, were led by female CEOs at a rate of 44%, and managed a median 4.4% return on assets and 12.2% return on equity. The California 400, meanwhile, employed women in 12.3% of leadership roles, were led by just 4.3% female CEOs--numbers that have “inched up” since the data collection began in 2007--and saw a median 1.9% return on assets and 7% on equity.
“We know that a more representative, diverse group of leaders can change decision-making and outcomes in companies,” commented Ann Huff Stevens, dean of the university’s Graduate Management School, on the project’s website. “California has been a leader in many areas, and these results point out the opportunity for California to take the lead in increasing women’s presence in corporate leadership.”
San Francisco-based Williams-Sonoma Inc., led by CEO Laura J. Alber, had the highest proportion of women in company leadership positions at 57.1%, which researchers noted was the record for this 11-year study. The popular home goods- and gifts-provider achieved a 13.3% return on assets and a 24.9% return on equity that year, according to the study.
A majority of the 400 companies surveyed still had no women among their highest-paid executives as of 2015, though the overall percentage of women in that group rose to 10.5% from 7.8% in 2007. According to the UC Davis study, companies with women CEOs have 38% more women leaders on average (CEO excluded) than companies with male CEOs.
Industry leaders meet to strategize on developing world markets and women's roles therein during the G8 Deauville Partnership: Women in Business Conference in London on June 26, 2013. (Credit: CC BY 2.0 courtesy the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office via Flickr)
Of course, neither stacked gender ratios nor the apparent effects are a Californiaphenomenon. According to a growing wave of research, the number of women in business leadership remains frustratingly low everywhere, likely costing companies around the country and world big; so, too, does a lack of women in business overall seem to put economies at a real disadvantage.
A2016 reportby Mercer found that among the 583 organizations it surveyed around the globe, women constitute just 35% of the average company’s workforce at the professional level or higher. Representing input from 3.2 million employees, including 1.3 million women, the report also found that women got fewer and further between up the ladder: they made up 33% of managers, 26% of senior managers, and only 20% of executives globally.
A report published last year by the McKinsey Global Institute also found that if every country could narrow its gender gap at the same historical rate as the fastest-improving nation in its regional peer group, the world could add $12 trillion to its annual gross domestic product by 2025. That’s some 11 percent higher than it would on our current track under optimal conditions.
Studies on how women-led businesses perform around the world have been reaching a positive consensus, too. In 2016, the Credit Suisse Research Institute issued its updated report on women leaders and company performance at partners around the world, the Credit Suisse 3000 [PDF]. According to the company, the results "[continue] demonstrate that the higher the percentage of women in top management, the greater the excess returns for shareholders."
See also: On Black Women's Equal Pay Day, We Remember That White Guys' Time Fetches 58 Percent More
The company continued, "Hard metrics of financial performance have also justified this superior stock market performance according to the data. From YE13-mid 16, the outperformance of companies with 25% [senior-level] women is a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 2.8%, 4.7% for 33% and 10.3% for those over 50% compared with a 1% annual decline for the MSCI ACWI over the same period."
In all, Credit Suisse concluded that the numbers reconfirm "the clear link that exists between diversity and business performance." According to its "proprietary analysis," the group also found that, among the 27,000 senior managers it mapped at over 3,000 largest companies, "only limited [structural or recruiting] progress had been made" since 2014.
A recentNordea studyput it in even stronger terms; after analyzing close to 11,000 publicly traded companies around the globe--over an eight-year period, the group concluded, “The results are clear: companies run by women performfar better than the market.”
Their results showed that companies with a female CEO or chairperson of the board of directors (that is, all 400 of them) had averaged a 25% annualized return since 2009--more than double the 11% that the MSCI World Index delivered.
“If you invested in a company with a woman at the helm, you would have outperformed the market,” commented Robert Næss, the portfolio manager at Nordea who designed the study, in a release. “Other studies have also shown that diversity is a positive factor, but not that many have also looked at CEOs or such a large number of companies.”
Stock (Credit: WOC in Tech Chat via Flickr)
If women bring a lot to the table for businesses, the question remains as to why and how employers aren't treating them in kind.
Data on the subject suggests that the deck is often stacked against women on the road to business success, whether they're working to realize their first big idea or secure the corner office. For example, studies have increasingly indicated that women don't receive near as much investment capital as their male counterparts, whether as small-business loans or startup funding.
A 2013 research round-up by theHarvard Business Review observed that a host of cultural issues may also be keeping women from duly advancing at the office. Among multiple studies it reviewed, researchers found that women were being given consistently fewer important assignments and responsibilities that can lead to promotion, despite the positive feedback they receive as a group. Generally, this also leaves women with lower financial assets to work with in the course of their jobs, and lower pay to take home.
Harvard noted that this discrepancy between men and women's workload and pay is particularly illustrated in the certain sectors. According to 2013 Bureau of Labor Statistics, for example, saleswomen earn only 62.5% in insurance, 64.3% in retail, and 66% in real estate of what their male counterparts earn. In a study of two large stock brokerages, Wharton professor Janice Madden also found that saleswomen earned less than salesmen "because they’d been systematically given inferior accounts that generated smaller commissions and then denied support staff, mentors, and other amenities that would have helped them perform better, suggesting that outright discrimination can be disguised as merit pay," Harvard summarized.
The Harvard review further noted that, despite certain impressions and folklore, women are not in fact leaving their careers to raise families--at least not on purpose. A study by Hunter College professor Pamela Stone found that, after an average career length of 11 years, 90% of the studied group of female high-achievers stepped away from their careers because of workplace problems and long hours, and not because of the children they mostly already had.
And it's fairly easy to understand why: many industries continue to place added burdens on employees with children, and especially women, rather than acknowledge their needs and value. In a study of hiring practices reviewed by Harvard, mothers were significantly less likely to be recommended for a job, and were offered $11,000 less in starting salary than childless women were on average. Raters also said they assumed mothers to be "inherently less competent and less committed," according to Harvard. Fathers, on the other hand, were not penalized at all in the process.
See also: The Trump Administration Just Axed $213M From Teen Pregnancy Prevention, All By Itself
When it comes to breaking workplace gender barriers, of course, simply acknowledging the fact that some A-list employers still don't provide daycare facilities, or that women perceived as "nice" are being paid less, won't put businesses on the fast-track to gender parity.
According to entrepreneur Deborah Streeter, however, as complex as this problem may be, working toward a solution can be simple.
Streeter, whose work currently includes teaching professional courses on women in leadership through eCornell's business program, explained by phone that there are three factors involved in tackling the business gender gap, and various techniques for addressing them.
"As it's becoming more obvious that the rate of growth for women at the top is just a trickle, everyone’s trying to figure out what to do about it," Streeter said, "and how to address the social, structural, and empowerment issues involved."
Speaking structurally, Streeter said that companies have to allow for care responsibilities in ways they traditionally haven't if the problem of few women in leadership is to be resolved. "Responsibilities for house and kids fall more heavily on women than men, and if work structurally precludes that care, we're always going to be having this struggle," Streeter said. "Most cultures have pathways to leadership that are traditionally shaped around men, involving travel, and with no room for care."
Women already account for half of science, law, and engineering degrees, Streeter said, meaning the flow of women workers is only compromised along the way. "We're fine at one end of the pipeline; we just have a leaky pipeline," Streeter noted.
See also: California Bill Tweaks Sexual Harassment Law To Account For Venture Capital
On the social front, Streeter said it's critical that workers of all genders start to acknowledge the gender biases that each one of us has developed, and to gain better control over our own assumptions. In her courses, she invites students to take advantage of the safe, professional setting for conversations about how to navigate office culture for success when many known or perceived women's traits can bring disadvantage.
"We need awareness in women and men about what is unconscious in gender bias, and which can often be sensationalized and politicized," Streeter said. "If you factor in race, different ability levels, sexual orientation, you add additional layers, but gender bias is always there. Research shows that both women and men have such biases, and these are attitudes we don't control." We can, however, reevaluate and challenge those assumptions, according to Streeter.
Challenging such assumptions and finding value and camaraderie in their female coworkers--as well as themselves--are also key steps toward embracing empowerment inside and out, according to Streeter. "For women, we have to find a space for understanding how we’re sometimes pitted against each other," Streeter said. "The whole idea that 'women can't work together' is a false narrative, and automatically hurts women who could collaborate and share in success." She added, "There aren't enough women at the top to prove that it doesn't create problems, but men fight all the time, anyway."
Streeter said she's been teaching her students to catch themselves when their actions or perceptions show bias by using an easy, three-step process: Detect, Inspect, Reject.
Whatever your gender, Streeter said, it's an incredibly useful exercise to always try to identify when you're making an assumption, to consider where it's coming from, and--if it doesn't hold up--to go ahead and throw it away. "For example, say you find yourself thinking that a female coworker is too bossy or cold--or that you wish she would 'soften' her behavior. If you see this in yourself, you can reject that notion, and ask yourself, 'If a male colleague acted like that, would I react in the same way?'"
See also: It's Official: Testing Rape Kits Prevents Assault And Saves Everybody Millions
In fact, Streeter encourages women to harness some of their arguably "female" professional and personal strengths to find a route upward in the office. "Women ascending through leadership is almost always a combination of personal style and the context they're in," she commented. "It's dangerous to take any generic strategy into work; especially in a masculinized environment versus a transformational environment, it could blow up in your face."
Streeter continued, "If you’re going to be at a top-level position, you also have to be comfortable with being ambitious, and saying, 'This is what I want.' It's also really important to understand how the pyramid power structure works in the environment you're in, and how to create a leadership or executive presence that's appropriate--what works at a tech company versus an elementary school will be very different."
According to research, thankfully, women show particular ability for cultivating self-awareness and environmental awareness in their daily lives--skills they've developed out of pressure and necessity, but which can nevertheless help them achieve success.
Streeter explained that such skills can be broken down into four different categories: the ability to be self-aware, the ability to modify one's behavior based on that awareness, the ability to be socially aware, and the ability to modify one's behavior based on that reading of the room. "If you look at the tools that women have for getting along, we’re conditioned to be socialized," Streeter said.
"Empathy is part of it, but the management aspect is crucial: how do your monitor and adjust your behavior because you do have empathy for the environment, and for the people that you work with?"
In the past, this skill set has sometimes been referred to as emotional intelligence, or EQ, likely to bring more acceptance to the idea and equate it with the seemingly innate, accepted quality of IQ; the label itself has been much debated, both across and separate from gender lines.
Nevertheless, and "whatever you want to call it," Streeter pointed out, the existence and effects of such skills are well demonstrated both at the office and in the world beyond. Because women are often expected to be socially gracious and nurturing, they can also face criticism if this kind of behavior isn't traditionally their cup of tea.
For these reasons, Streeter says we should view self-awareness and empathetic behavior as a matter of practice rather than innate ability or fact--and one we shouldn't hesitate to use in the world beyond work. "Even now, in the political realm, there's so much danger of alienation that even if we understand the motivation of a group, we often can't control our actions."
With increased awareness of ourselves, our coworkers, and the data that describes them, Streeter believes that closing the costly gender gap in business leadership doesn't have to take the century or so that's currently predicted.
With any luck, an increase of women in leadership may also help to supply web platforms and news wire databases with a more generous selection of image matches for "women in business" (say, more than a couple dozen) to compliment the current mass of snapshots featuring sex workers, frustrated laptop users, Ronald Reagan, and who-knows-what--a development that could save time and money for journalists of all genders, and give more than half the world's population a little more motivation to succeed.
Happy American Business Women's Day, everyone!
Read again 2016 Proved Women Are Great For Business, But Still Getting Pushed Out : Berita Ini
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