
How To Overcome The 'Entitlement Trap' In Business

“Always deliver more than expected.” Larry Page, cofounder of Google (as quoted by Doug Andrew, “Entitlement Abolition”)

This week I spent time with Doug Andrew, of Live Abundant. Doug hosts radio shows through the U.S. and on iTunes and has served as a lead presenter on financial, health and life fulfillment topics for a number of years.

Doug Andrew, New York Times Bestseller and author of "Entitlement Abolition."

He has authored ten books, four of which have been bestsellers (including “The Last Chance Millionaire” and “Millionaire by Thirty,” which he co-authored with his two sons). We met for lunch to talk about his newest book on a topic that is a high priority for us both: “Entitlement Abolition.” Two hours later we knew we could have talked for many more hours.

Entitlement at work is a major problem for America. It is the bane of entrepreneurs, who by their very nature are attuned to working every opportunity as if their lives depended on it (which they do). For an entrepreneur to take their livelihood for granted is unthinkable. Yet we see people entering the workforce in droves with expectations such as “I have data that says I am owed such and such amount of money as a base salary to walk through your door, regardless of what I produce.”

Doug Andrew tells about a manufacturing company that was shocked to discover many of the staff was clocking in each morning only to go back outside to make calls and waste time for another 20-30 minutes before coming inside.

Our nation employs legions of salaried individuals who do the minimum possible to get by and then are surprised when they don’t receive advances and raises. They say things like “Yeah, I know I haven’t been doing a very good job, but I’ve been here a year and nobody offered me a raise, so where’s my incentive? I had no idea it could mean the end of my job.” Or they say “We went through the worst recession in history, but I didn’t quit!” as if they’ve done their bosses a favor—clearly unaware of the sacrifices their employers have made to protect their jobs when many business owners were operating at a loss or receiving no pay at all.

I am happy to introduce Doug’s newest book, as it is a topic that resonates with the principles I covered in the “7 Non-Negotiables of Winning” as well.

The majority of “Entitlement” covers the ways to teach accountability in parenting, as this is the crux of where the epidemic begins. For example, he counsels parents to not pay for a child’s education. (Instead, he offers a blueprint for the creation of KASH—Knowledge, Attitudes, Skills and Habits—and the ability for children to take out loans, when needed, from a family Legacy Bank). He talks about a couple who were solidly on the track toward retirement, but were then undone by their decision to provide financial aid to a grown child who was divorcing. This decision to step in and help caused their other three children to rush forward with urgent demands for “equal treatment” to support their ailing businesses and home purchase requirements. The nest egg was gone. The children were more dependent than before and the parents could no longer retire.

Entitlement in Business. Just as in families, companies must learn to instill and reward contribution instead of entitlement to break the cycle of people looking to “take.” (“I’m not the janitor. You’d have to pay me extra for that,” or “I took the award points because you don’t give me enough perks,” or “If I’m a good person, I deserve stock. I don’t see a need to say thanks.”) Instead, companies should instill a culture of giving and recognition that the more I give, the greater the opportunity to move forward, and in doing so, to create greater opportunities for all. “What if we could train our employees to be self-starters?” Doug asks. In essence, what if a company’s culture could create employees who come with “batteries included?”

Accountability Starts at the Top. In one case, a manager, with his team, decided collectively to begin avoiding the daily doughnut break, not because they were opposed to the treat or the break, but because the gathering had become a cesspool of backstabbing and complaints. They chose to focus on productivity instead. It didn’t take long, in this case, before others took note. In Doug’s own case, he quietly steps in as one of the first to pick up the napkins and plates in a team setting. It is a simple way of instilling the idea that the company’s smooth operation is everyone’s job.

Healthy Competition. In another case, a manufacturing company during the Industrial Revolution suddenly noticed a culture shift among the employees who spent their days in seemingly mindless and repetitive tasks. What happened? One day, sensing the opportunity for change, a shift worker drew a big number “9” in chalk on the floor. What was that? “It’s the number of parts we put out on our shift,” he explained. “The typical shift produces eight. But we’re better. We produce nine.” Sensing competition, other teams jumped in and the culture of doing “just enough” was instantly changed. Teams and individuals began to take pride in their work. Within weeks, the new productivity standard for every team became 11. Pride and productivity soared, as did the profitability that resulted in additional raises and perks.

Encourage Ingenuity. In Doug’s company, a young woman noticed that as the number of seminars and engagements grew, the task of booking and managing the travel and needed supplies for sessions in 47 states became unmanageable (a challenge I can entirely relate to as well, as our company’s software addresses inventory management, with all of its high complexity needs). In Doug’s case, the employee took ownership of the problem and developed a system to streamline the process for all. As a result, the company promoted her and acknowledged her in front of the team. Her example spurred a new “can do” attitude among all.

The $2 Rule. Here’s how $2 can change everything—Doug tells the story of Dr. Edward Deming, the total quality management engineer who transformed Japan’s manufacturing industry. In Deming’s coaching with a Fortune 500 company he drew an imaginary line between the behaviors of responsibility and accountability—above the line behavior—and shame, justification and blame—below the line behavior—where people blame circumstance or other people for their setbacks or behaviors. So he placed jars throughout the company and challenged the employees to challenge each other (respectfully) any time they witnessed an example of below the line behavior. “Was that dealing below the line?” a person would ask. If the other agreed, they would place $2 in the nearest accountability jar. Astonishingly, at the end of 90 days this major organization had amassed $250,000, which they donated to a local charity. But more importantly, their increased awareness helped productivity go through the roof, and at the end of the year every employee received a raise.

Hire Right. Like me, Doug Andrew chooses employees on the basis of cultural fit, character and unique abilities as well as (or sometimes even in spite of) classic experience for a role. But in addition to this, Doug notes the wisdom of his friend Richard Rossi, who presented at a Genius Network Mastermind event his desire to hire people who meet the following criteria:

  • Are critical thinkers and problem-solvers
  • Conquer fear and build never-ending self-confidence
  • Can sell, persuade, and negotiate
  • Consistently set goals
  • Practice effective time-management
  • Actively listen, speak effectively, write articulately
  • Are likeable
  • Are entrepreneurial, innovative, and self-motivated
  • Practice consciously training the mind and body to unconsciously act in harmony with values and vision
  • Have the ability to take negative experiences in life and turn them into positive outcomes
  • Have an attitude of gratitude and an abundance mentality
  • Are always responsible and accountable

And my own two additions:

  • Not afraid to fail
  • Are teachable

What a great set of skills. Employees who meet these criteria will go far in helping your business—or any business—to overcome the pervasive entitlement trap.

David K. Williams is a Chairman, CEO and C-Level Leadership Coach in Sandy, Utah, and author of "The 7 Non-Negotiables of Winning: Tying Soft Traits to Hard Results," available here.

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