
Why Today's Business Schools Teach Yesterday's Expertise

As the world undergoes a Fourth Industrial Revolution that is “fundamentally altering the way the way we live, work, and relate to one another—in its scale, scope, and complexity, a transformation … unlike anything humankind has experienced before”—one might imagine that business schools would be hotbeds of innovation and rethinking, with every professor keen to help understand and master this emerging new world.

Paradoxically, it’s the opposite. For the most part, today’s business schools are busy teaching and researching 20th Century management principles and, in effect, leading the parade towards yesterday.

The Baker Library at the Harvard Business School  (AP Photo/Charles Krupa)

Take for instance this first-hand account just published in The New Republic by John Benjamin, an MBA student and Dean’s Fellow at the M.I.T. Sloan School of Management.

MBA programs are not the open forums advertised in admissions brochures… Business school instruction is routinely blinkered…  An MBA class will consider a business issue… in isolation. Its challenges are delineated; its society-level implications are waved away. The principals’ overriding goal—profit maximization—is assumed. With mechanical efficiency, students then answer the question of how to move forward. Individual choices are abstracted into numbers or modeled as graphs…

As Sarah Murray has written in the Financial Times: “While there is growing consensus that focusing on short-term shareholder value is not only bad for society but also leads to poor business results, much MBA teaching remains shaped by the shareholder primacy model.”

The Four Industrial Revolutions

“The First Industrial Revolution used water and steam power to mechanize production. The Second used electric power to create mass production. The Third used electronics and information technology to automate production. Now a Fourth Industrial Revolution is building on the Third, the digital revolution that has been occurring since the middle of the last century. It is characterized by a fusion of technologies that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres.”

--Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum Geneva


A Vast Societal Drama

In the Fourth Industrial Revolution, a vast drama is now playing out in society, affecting almost everyone. In its essence, the Revolution is very simple: organizations are connecting everyone and everything, everywhere, all the time. They are becoming capable of delivering instant, intimate, frictionless, incremental value on a large scale. They are creating a world in which people, insights, and money interact quickly, easily and cheaply.

What is enabling the Revolution is that rarest of things, a genuine paradigm shift in management. Firms leading the Revolution are being run very differently from the unwieldy industrial behemoths of the 20th Century. They are focused on continuous innovation for customers and organized to be nimble, adaptable, and able to adjust on the fly to meet the shifting whims of a marketplace driven by end-users. Think Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Alibaba, Airbnb, Etsy, Lyft, Menlo Innovations, Saab, Samsung, Spotify, Tencent, Tesla, Uber and Warby Parker. In these firms, profits are the result, not the goal, of the enterprise. For them, the future is thrilling and uplifting.

For those companies that continue to be run like the lumbering 20th Century mastodons, based on profit maximization and a philosophy of controlism, the situation is very different. The examples here are also abundant. “Market-leading companies,” as analyst Alan Murray has written in the Wall Street Journal, “have missed game-changing transformations in industry after industry—computers (mainframes to PCs), telephony (landline to mobile), photography (film to digital), stock markets (floor to online)—not because of ‘bad’ management, but because they followed the dictates of ‘good’ management.”

In effect, the “’good’ management of yesterday” that these firms are practicing—profit maximization and a philosophy of controlism—is obsolete. It was a relatively good fit for much of the 20th Century. But then the world changed, and ‘good’ management began to falter. It couldn’t cope with the fast pace and complexity of a customer-driven marketplace. Yet this “‘good’management of yesterday” is, by and large, what is being taught in today’s business schools.

Emmanuel Macron, at a conference at the Ecole Superieure des Affairs (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

Let's be clear: the difference between leaders and losers isn’t a matter of access to technology or big data or artificial intelligence. Both the successful and the unsuccessful firms have access to the same technology, data and AI, which are now largely commodities. Traditionally-managed firms use the same technology and data but typically get meager results. It’s not technology or data or AI that make the difference. The difference lies in the nimbler way these firms deploy technology, data and AI.

Despite individual thought-leaders in business schools, there has been little change in the core curricula of business school teaching as a whole. The disconnect between what is taught and the vast ongoing societal drama under way continues. And it’s difficult to discuss, because it puts in question careers, competencies, job tenure, values, goals, assumptions of the entire business-school world and more.

Individual Innovators

It’s not that individual business school professors haven’t grasped and made the case for change. Among many others:

·       In 2010, business guru and former business school dean Roger Martin at the Rotman School of Business hailed the advent of customer capitalism over shareholder primacy.

·       More recently, two distinguished Harvard Business School professors–Joseph L. Bower and Lynn S. Paine—declared in Harvard Business Review that profit maximization is “the error at the heart of corporate leadership.” It is “flawed in its assumptions, confused as a matter of law, and damaging in practice”, and in effect, “pernicious nonsense.” Yet business schools press ahead with core curricula based on this error, seemingly impervious to issues.

·       In 2013, professor Rita McGrath at Columbia Business School challenged the conventional business school theology of sustainable comparative advantage.

·       In 2014, professor William Lazonick at the University of Massachusetts Lowell won HBR McKinsey Award winner for the best HBR article of 2014. Lazonick has courageously led the charge in identifying the problems inherent in maximizing shareholder value through massive share buybacks.

·       In 2014, professor Clayton Christensen and his colleague Derek van Bever questioned the orthodoxies governing finance and called for a modern-day Martin Luther to articulate the change.

·       Business schools also support many technology centers and small programs, such as Jay Goldstein’s program at Northwestern’s McCormick School of Engineering on radical management and Susan George’s program on Agile Management at UC Berkeley Extension.

Yet these innovations have not led to basic change to the core curricula in most business schools.

 Agile Management Is Now Mainstream

Until recently, the lack of familiarity in business schools with the new way of running organizations could in part be excused because the management expertise itself was still somewhat obscure. There was little awareness of it outside software development, and general management thinkers had little respect for management ideas coming from software developers.

That’s no longer the case. The paradigm shift in management is no longer a secret: for instance, right now it’s on the cover of the May-June 2018 issue of Harvard Business Review. It’s the subject of scores of articles in Strategy & Leadership under the bold editorship of Robert Randall. There are also many books written about it, including a recent book co-authored by the managing partner of McKinsey, Talent Wins.

But it is very different. The new management isn’t simply a new training course, or a process, or a methodology or an organizational structure that can be written down in an organizational manual and simply added to the ongoing agenda. It’s a different mindset with counterintuitive ideas that fly in the face of the assumptions of a ‘good’ 20th Century manager or the typical business school case.

  • Managers can't tell people what to do;
  • Control is enhanced by letting go of control;
  • Talent drives strategy.
  • Dealing with big issues requires small teams, small tasks, small everything;
  • Complex systems are inherently problematic, and must be descaled;
  • Companies make more money by not focusing on money,

Internalizing these counter-intuitive ideas and making them part of the culture of an organization—including a business school— doesn’t happen easily or quickly, particularly with people steeped for decades in 20th Century thinking.

Interestingly, business itself is beginning to grasp that something is up. Surveys by both Deloitte and McKinsey indicate that over 90% of senior executives want to master new, more flexible business practices, even if less than 10% see their current organization as highly agile.

Meanwhile, business schools keep churning out more standard MBAs, steeped in yesterday’s methodologies—truly excellent executives for the 20th Century. Today’s business schools thus resemble medical schools teaching pre-penicillin medicine.

A Treadmill Of Irrelevance

There are a number of elements that keep business schools stuck on an obsolete institutional treadmill:

  • There is still a large demand for 20th Century management. Many managers in large firms have spent decades implementing the doctrines of profit maximization and controlism. They share the same assumptions, goals, values and attitudes. And so their firms continue to be run that way, despite the performance problems it causes. So it is not surprising that these executives seek recruits who have the same mindset. Hence there is still continuing demand for MBA graduates schooled in 20th Century thinking.
  • Prior management experience is neither required nor even desired to become a business school professor. The professors usually have no management experience in 20th Century management, let alone in firms implementing the new paradigm.
  • Within the business schools, research takes precedence over teaching in terms of status, salary, and promotion. Research performance is measured by academic outputs, citations, and journal impact factors, not the practical use of ideas. Peer-reviewed academic articles are valued higher than popular books or any other form of output.
  • The accreditation process of business schools guarantees glacial change to core curricula. It takes around five years to have even a small change to the core curriculum accepted by the accreditation process. (One highly-successful dean admits with frustration that 15 years of strenuous effort resulted in only two minor changes in the core curriculum.)
  • The widespread use of $200 textbooks suggests financial interests of faculty also prevent change.
  • In some cases, business schools also perform a cash-cow function for the rest of the university, as the business school attracts wealthy students from overseas. The risk of losing this revenue stream induces caution in changing a money-making degree.
  • In the current setup, what is taught by a business school hardly matters. That’s because business schools mainly perform a “filtering” function (“selection of the sharpest analytic minds”) rather than a teaching function (“what is good management practice for a 21st Century firm?”)
  • The business school has little need to concern itself with value to the end-users—the students. The inherent learning an MBA provides matters less than the high-salaried job-offers that it leads to. Indeed, the high-cost of an MBA is a feature more than a bug. It’s part of the MBA's mystique in the marketplace: “Anything that expensive must surely be valuable!”

Root Cause: Misuse Of the Scientific Method

How did such an unproductive system come about? Many of today’s business school problems date back to 1959, when the Ford Foundation published the Gordon-Howell Report which lambasted the unscientific foundation of business education. It suggested that professors were quacks, the curriculum narrow and simpleminded, and the caliber of faculty and students unimpressive. In the same year, the Carnegie Foundation also published an analysis with an equally harsh message: "Too much practice, too little research; too little theory."

The result? Half a century of business school research that aspired to be “scientific.” The problem is that in a field of human activity that is undergoing dramatic change findings that can be proven to be universally true by double-blind scientific experiments turn out to be of little practical utility. Research therefore came to be evaluated on the elegance and rigor of the experimental design more than on the utility of the findings. The fact that few, if any, business people ever tried to read, let alone implement, the research was considered irrelevant. Business school research is an enclosed self-referential world—academics writing for other academics. The utility of the entire research enterprise is not a fit subject for discussion.

What went wrong here? Roger Martin argues persuasively that the Ford Foundation made a fundamental conceptual error. It was seeking scientific findings in a subject where science methodology can’t be applied:

Aristotle was a proponent of his scientific logic, and in the best scientific tradition, he established boundary conditions for his theory.  It was for the part of the world in which things could not be other than they are. An oak tree is an oak tree and cannot be something else.  A piece of granite is a piece of granite and can’t be something else.  For this world, Aristotle laid out the seminal scientific method and argued that it was the optimal way for understanding that part of the world.

As Aristotle laid out his scientific method for the part of the world that cannot be other than it is, he also cautioned that there is another part of the world that can be other than it is, and there was another method that needed to be used to understand it. Here the scientific method would be wholly inappropriate.

That part of the world consists of people – of relationships, of interactions, of exchanges.  In this part of the world, relationships can be good, bad or indifferent; close, distant or sporadic. They change – they can be other than they currently are. For this part of the world, Aristotle said that the method used to develop our understanding and to shape this world is rhetoric; dialogue between parties that builds understanding that actually shapes and alters this part of the world.

The Ford Foundation thus embraced Aristotle’s science, but ignored his boundary condition. They pushed the scientific method past the limits for which it was designed. It was as if they adopted Aristotle’s tool and then ignored his user manual.

These Problems Are Old News

Not surprisingly, the irrelevance and obsolescence of business school thinking isn’t really news. Five years ago, Harvard Business School professor Rakesh Khurana offered a scathing critique of business schools in strategy + business.

“Business schools are facing “a crisis of irrelevance.”  Business schools are “in an incredible race to the bottom."

It’s “not even clear what an MBA consists of anymore.” There is a “lack of quality and consistency in the development of general management knowledge.”

The incentives are based on "research and academic credibility, not producing management knowledge." As a result, "very little general management knowledge" has been produced by business schools.

As a result, “business schools have lost the place where we could be turned to as a source of basic research and basic knowledge. Very few businesses turn to us. They turn to other sources of knowledge, such as consulting firms, instead.” An MBA is now “a highly valued credential, but you’re not going to learn much along the way."

Lesser-Known Business Schools Are In Decline

In one sense, business schools are one of the success stories in higher education over the last century. World-wide, as of end 2017, according to AACSB, there were 16.536 public, private, and foundation institutions providing education in the field of business and management. Business education attracts some one in five students in higher education worldwide, attesting to the tremendous importance and impact of business schools.

The future however is less promising for the lesser known schools. A number of planned or actual business school closures have occurred at the University of Wisconsin, the University of Iowa, Wake Forest University, Virginia Tech, and Simmons College.

There are various factors in play. Non-MBA graduate business degrees are proliferating; fewer international students are opting for American schools; undergraduate student debt is ballooning; and online courses including massive open online courses (MOOCs) are offering cheaper alternatives to the learning aspect of MBAs, although without the prospect of a lucrative job offer.

Yet not all is gloom. While applications to business school overall have declined over the past three years, the top-ranked business schools are seeing an influx of interest. This has less to do with the knowledge being imparted than to the high-salaried job prospects that the celebrity business schools offer.

Business Should Be Taught By Business People

In 2013, Larry Zicklin, a former chairman of the  Wall Street investment firm Neuberger Berman, a professor at New York University’s Stern School and a lecturer on ethics at the Wharton school at the University of Pennsylvania, made  a revolutionary proposal to fix business schools. Business school teachers, he said, should teach business.

Academics at business schools now spend a lot of their time doing research for academic journals that is of little practical relevance and that nobody even reads. ‘Academics do it,’ Zicklin told  the Financial Times, “because they are interested in doing it, but it’s also the mechanism by which they get promoted and secure tenure. Because research is an important part of business school rankings, it has created the value system by which academics are rewarded. Research adds so much to the cost of education, especially at business school. But the evidence about research also suggests that most people can’t understand it.”

In the spirit of Zicklin’s recommendations, Hult International Business School aspires to be relevant to business with a curriculum stressing real-world experience the world, emerging technologies, and understanding the self. Hult was designed to enable faculty with management experience to teach practical business knowledge and hands-on leadership skills, at campuses in major business hubs around the world. Teaching excellence and student-centricity are emphasized. It does not have faculty tenure or senates, and it seeks to provide a nimble organization and business-like ways of working across six campuses worldwide—no fancy offices or executive assistants.

CEO of TechnoHome delivers the keynote address for Hult International Business School,  (Josh Reynolds/AP Images for Hult International Business School)

But overall, very little happened largely because business schools lack full-time professors with business experience.

Three Scenarios

What is required is a radical rethink of the business school system. The challenge is to build business schools that are as innovative as they are efficient, as forward-looking as they are pragmatic, as passion-filled as they are intellectually rigorous and as valuable as their enrolment fee. This is not merely about adding on a new course, practice, process or structure to the current modus operandi. Instead, business schools have to rethink their existence from top to bottom.

One can imagine three possible scenarios:

Bold change: It’s possible that a few exceptional pioneers will have visionary leadership that is ready to build the business school of the future from first principles. This would entail having business people teach business, abandoning the current accreditation system, setting aside tenure, recruiting a whole new set of professors with different skill-sets and embracing agile management from top to bottom. The Hult International Business School can be seen as an effort in this direction.

Glacial change: For most schools, the most likely outcome will be continuing glacial change with reform being pursued within the current assumptions of business schools. A few minimal adjustments at the margin may occur every decade or so until the schools are disrupted and put out of business.

Agile organic change: Some schools may be willing to adopt a systematic approach to basic change, starting small and proceeding with organic change in an agile fashion,

  • They would need guidance and support from an enlightened leadership, aimed at establishing the case and the basis for change. They would need to focus primarily on delivering real value to students.
  • The work should begin with a very rapid inquiry into how it has come to pass that business schools are operating in such an obsolete fashion. How could such a thing have happened? The work should be willing to discuss the undiscussable, including the validity and utility of “scientific” research in business, career structures, the accreditation system, entrenched financial interests and more. The work should be aimed at trying to get a substantial body of opinion that agrees on the depth and breadth of the problem.
  • The work should proceed in an agile fashion identifying experiments to deal with the challenge, even small steps.
  • The work should focus on opportunities, as well as problems. Surveys show that over 90% of senior executives want to master new, more flexible business practices, but less than 10% see their own organization as currently having mastered and implemented such practices. That 80% gap between aspiration and performance is a huge opportunity for business schools. Consulting firms like Deloitte and McKinsey are themselves rapidly gearing up to meet the need. If business schools don’t see and grasp the opportunity, the risk of disruption is even greater. It would be a pity if business schools miss the boat.

And read also:

Explaining Agile

Why Agile Is Eating The World

The World’s Dumbest Idea: Maximizing Shareholder Value

Why aren't business schools more business-like?

Getting down to Business in the Business Schools

What's Wrong with Today's Business Schools?"

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