The Mets are out, the Yankees are in.
While historically this has been the most common scenario in NY’s autumn baseball, this year it’s a huge surprise.
This wasn’t how this year’s New York baseball season was supposed to shape up. All the analysts were wrong.
And the analysts have gotten the football season wrong so far, as well.
The Giants are generally the toast of the town and attract an upmarket Wall Street crowd. (Who else would pay those prices?)
The Giants are generally expected to contend for the championship by making the playoffs every year.
But this year, the Jets are putting on a good show and hold the better record, as the Giants flounder winless heading into their fifth game of the season.
About the only thing the Jets were actually expected to contend for, according to the analysts, was the No. 1,2 or 3 draft pick by finishing dead last or thereabouts this year.
This season is anything but business as usual.
On Wall Street, too, the analysts can be quite wrong.
In the markets, you have buy-side analysts, who are the money managers and capital investors who often view the markets with a skeptical eye, although there are some good ones.
The sell-side analysts are the brokers and “strategists” who love conformity and predictability because those require less thinking and smaller brain muscles.
These are the stereotypical Wall Street personas, know-it-all types in their expensive and well-tailored clothes. You guessed it: They’re the “cool kids” who usually sport the rosy glasses after happy hour is over. They say everything is gonna be just fine.
But when things don’t line up or go according to historical norms — well, the cuff links fly.
The markets this year were expected to be duds due to Donald Trump’s election. Hillary Clinton’s win had already been declared “best for Wall Street” by numerous bozo analysts and egghead academics like Justin Wolfers and Eric Zitzewitz, whose “research” was paraded around by nearly every TV host in America as if it were gospel.
But when I read the whole pathetic Ph.D. byproduct, it was easy to spot the pitiable propaganda.
So far, this year’s October Surprises have been numerous. It’s not “Thor” Syndergaard pitching for the Mets in the postseason; instead, it’s Aaron Judge leading the Yankees with 52 home runs.
It’s Jets quarterback Josh McCown who’s the toast of the town, not the Giants’ Eli Manning.
And the Dow is up 25 percent since last Election Day.
It’s October: You can act surprised.
Read again The analysts were wrong — about sports and business : Berita Ini
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