Jeff Sessions introducing Donald Trump at a campaign stop in Herndon, Virginia, on October 3.REUTERS/Mike Segar
President Donald Trump continued his attacks on Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Tuesday morning, tweeting that Sessions had taken "a VERY weak position" on Hillary Clinton's "crimes" and on "leaks" from the intelligence community.
"Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump campaign - 'quietly working to boost Clinton.' So where is the investigation A.G. @seanhannity," Trump tweeted early Tuesday. "Attorney General Jeff Sessions has taken a VERY weak position on Hillary Clinton crimes (where are E-mails & DNC server) & Intel leakers!"
Political analysts say Trump appears to be backing Sessions into a corner with the hope that he will resign — a theory bolstered in recent days by reports that Trump is considering replacements like Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas and former Mayor Rudy Giuliani of New York.
According to the news website Axios, Trump recently asked a longtime political associate what would happen if he fired Sessions, whom he called "beleaguered" in a tweet Monday.
Trump has expressed anger with Sessions for recusing himself in March from the investigation into Russia's election interference and whether the Trump campaign colluded with Moscow.
"Sessions should have never recused himself, and if he was going to recuse himself, he should've told me before he took the job so I could choose someone else," Trump told The New York Times last week.
Responding to Trump's comments last week, Sessions told reporters he planned to remain in his role "as long as that is appropriate."
But Matt Miller, a Justice Department spokesman under President Barack Obama, thinks Sessions can no longer afford to remain silent in the face of Trump's public attacks.
"I think Sessions has a choice to make: he should either stand up and tell the president to butt out of DOJ's independent investigative decisions, or he should resign," Miller said in an email. "If he's not willing to stand up for the department's independence, than he should go, because he can't lead the career men and women who expect more from their boss."
What comes next?
Trump is also wary of Robert Mueller's examination of his business dealings. He told The Times it would cross a line if Mueller, the special counsel leading the FBI's Russia investigation, looked into Trump's personal financial history, and he has instructed his legal team to find ways to discredit Mueller and lay the groundwork for his dismissal, according to The Washington Post.
If Sessions resigned, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein would technically be next in line to serve as acting attorney general. But it is unclear whether Trump would let him — the president appeared to attack Rosenstein on Twitter last month, raising questions about whether he would resign.
According to the Federal Vacancies Reform Act of 1998, the president "may direct anyone who holds a 'PAS' office — one requiring presidential appointment and Senate confirmation — to serve as Acting Attorney General for 210 days," Steve Vladeck, a professor of law at the University of Texas School of Law, wrote on Monday.
As such, even if Rosenstein did not resign, Trump could name Associate Attorney General Rachel Brand — who has already been confirmed — as the acting attorney general while his attorney general nominee goes through the confirmation process.
"If the individual President Trump desires to serve as Sessions' successor is Senate confirmable, then nothing would stop President Trump from simply nominating the successor and naming someone else as the short-term Acting Attorney General under the Vacancies Reform Act," Vladeck wrote.
Miller said that while it was still too early to predict what would happen if Sessions were to resign, he hoped the Senate would give any nominee of Trump's "the proper scrutiny and extract promises that he or she won't interfere with Mueller."
Brand, a conservative lawyer who served in President George W. Bush's administration before taking a job in the Justice Department's Office of Legal Policy, could fire Mueller if Trump instructed her to, since she is not recused from the Russia investigation. But it is unclear whether she would comply.
Neal Katyal, an acting solicitor general under Obama who worked with Brand at the Chamber of Commerce, told The Washington Post in May that Brand was "a top-notch analytic lawyer and really good at figuring out what is the art of the possible."
Still, she would face a tough task: namely, insulating the investigation from White House influence.
"Such insulation is needed for the integrity of the investigation, so that any decisions it may reach about prosecution or exoneration have credibility," Jack Goldsmith, who worked in Bush's Office of Legal Counsel, and Benjamin Wittes, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution who is a close friend of former FBI Director James Comey, wrote last month.
"This task will require backbone — and a willingness not to last long in the job."
Read again 'Sessions has a choice to make': Trump is backing his attorney general into a corner : Berita Ini
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